When people experience pain or discomfort in their teeth or their gums feel tender or look swollen, they may be dealing with impacted, crowded teeth. This occurs frequently when patients have their wisdom teeth – the teeth found toward the back of the mouth.
A dental professional may suggest that their patients get their wisdom teeth removed in Monroeville, PA if they are experiencing these symptoms. Wisdom teeth removals are quite common, and if done correctly, it can alleviate the pain and discomfort caused by impacted wisdom teeth!
Why Should My Wisdom Teeth Be Removed In Monroeville, PA?
Most people have their wisdom teeth removed between the ages of 17 and 25. Wisdom teeth are the third molars on either side of the upper and lower jaws. They are called wisdom teeth because they generally appear much later than other teeth.
While some people never experience any problems with their wisdom teeth and they erupt without incident, others may have problems such as impacted teeth. This means that the tooth is trapped beneath the gum tissue or bone and is unable to fully erupt. Symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth include swelling or pain in the gums or jaw, bleeding during brushing or flossing, and loose teeth.
Removing an impacted tooth can be done under sedation dentistry and does not require hospitalization. The procedure is quick and simple, and finding the right dental professional to execute this procedure is very important to ensure the best results.
Impacted wisdom teeth may need to be removed, as they can lead to other problems throughout the mouth. Another common problem associated with impacted teeth is cysts. A cyst is a fluid-filled sac that forms in the jaw or around the tooth. Symptoms of cysts include pain when chewing, swelling, and tenderness near the jaw.
What Is The Wisdom Teeth Removal Process?
When patients go to get their wisdom teeth removed, they are taken through a process to ensure the procedure goes smoothly. On the day of surgery, a skilled dental professional can administer the proper level of sedation dentistry, so patients are comfortable and feel no pain during their wisdom teeth removal in Monroeville, PA.
Next, the doctor can strategically extract the patient’s wisdom teeth based on the 3D digital images taken with advanced technology such as CBCT imaging. Once the surgery is complete, the doctor should ensure the patient is comfortable before they return home.
Patients should expect to take a few days to recover from their surgery. If any complications arise after the wisdom teeth are removed, patients should contact their doctor immediately.
Feeling nervous about surgery is expected, but once the procedure is over, the patient’s teeth will look and feel better, and the infection from impacted wisdom teeth will no longer be a threat. With the option for wisdom teeth removal and the expertise of skilled dental professionals, patients can be free of the pain and discomfort of impacted wisdom teeth and the risk of any potential infections associated with them!
We Can Give You A Wisdom Teeth Removal Treatment
If you have a tooth that does not seem to be moving into its proper place, or if you are experiencing problems with your wisdom teeth, you should come to our modern and friendly office. Our team of dental professionals can examine your wisdom teeth and determine the best course of action for your treatment.
Ready to get started? We can give you a consultation to see if a wisdom teeth removal is the right treatment for you. Get in contact with our doctors, Edward J. Halusic, DMD, Christian A. Moore, DMD, MD, and Ryan J. McCloy, DMD, at our office by Monroeville, PA to schedule your consultation today!