When people have impacted wisdom teeth, several problems can occur. Impacted wisdom teeth cause problems like intense pain, swollen and tender gums, and discomfort. For people who have impacted wisdom tooth problems, they should consider having a wisdom tooth removal in Monroeville, PA.
By going to a skilled oral surgeon for their wisdom tooth removal, people can get the problems caused by their impacted wisdom teeth solved. Continue reading to learn why people should have a wisdom tooth removal when they have impacted wisdom teeth.
Why Should I Have A Wisdom Tooth Removal In Monroeville, PA, When I Have Impacted Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, typically erupt when people are in their late teens or early twenties. However, for many people, wisdom teeth can become impacted and cause them to experience tooth aches and other such problems. The symptoms that impacted wisdom teeth cause include:- Pain or swelling of the jaw
- Tender, swollen gums
- Unpleasant taste in mouth
- Trouble opening mouth
- Cyst or tumor formation