If you’re considering dental implants to replace your missing teeth in Mt Pleasant, PA, you may have heard of the term “same-day treatment”. What exactly does this mean, and is this process safer than the more traditional route for replacing teeth? Before you choose same-day dental implants, it’s important to understand the treatment process so you get the proper level of personalized and skilled care.
The Same-Day Process for Dental Implants
Traditionally, dental implant treatment was a two-step process involving the free-hand placement of a dental implant, followed by a period of healing, before a restoration was attached. Today, modern technology has eliminated the need for free-hand surgery. Better yet, CAD/CAM and surgical technologies make it possible to have all surgical and restorative parts of treatment completed in one appointment!
Same-day dental implants wouldn’t be possible without extensive treatment planning of your specific case. This planning involves the use of panoramic CBCT images and digital software to virtually map out the best locations in the jawbone to place the dental implants. This step generally also involves the fabrication of a custom surgical guide, which will be placed over the gums to ensure the implants are placed in these precise pre-planned locations.
Extraction, Placement, and Restoration Attachment
On the day of your surgery, you’ll have the option to choose personalized sedation to ensure this procedure is as comfortable and relaxing as possible. Then your implant dentist will be prepared with the necessary tools and equipment to extract your tooth, place your dental implant, and attach a custom temporary dental restoration. This same-day treatment eliminates an entire step of the traditional process, getting you back to a complete and attractive smile immediately. This process has numerous benefits, including better aesthetics for a more seamless smile and greater function during the healing process.
Schedule Your Consultation
If you’re interested in same-day treatment for dental implants, Schedule a consultation with our Dental Office in Mt Pleasant, PA with your qualified local implant dentist today to get started.